This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 3.1. Go to the current stable version
# EcoTouch Binding

The openHAB EcoTouch binding allows interaction with a Waterkotte (opens new window) heat pump.
# Supported Things
Thing type | Description |
geo | Waterkotte EcoTouch Geo + EcoVent |
air | Waterkotte EcoTouch Air + EcoVent |
This binding was tested with a Waterkotte DS 5027 Ai DS 5010.5Ai geothermal heat pump.
# Discovery
Discovery is not supported. You need to provide the IP address of the display unit of the heatpump.
# Thing Configuration
Things can be fully configured via the UI. The following information is useful when configuring things via thing configuration files.
Property | Type | Default | Required | Description |
ip | String | yes | IP address or hostname of the display unit of the heat pump | |
username | String | yes | since software version 1.6.xx of the display unit: "waterkotte"; previously "admin". | |
password | String | yes | since software version 1.6.xx of the display unit: "waterkotte"; previously "wtkadmin". | |
refresh | Integer | 60 | no | time in s after which all channels will be requested again from the heat pump |
# Channels
Standard channels:
Channel ID | Type | Read-Only | Description |
adapt_heating | Number:Temperature | no | Allows to adjust the heating temperature by an offset |
alarm | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Alarm |
cop_cooling | Number:Dimensionless | yes | COP Cooling |
cop_heating | Number:Dimensionless | yes | COP Heating |
enable_cooling | Switch | no | Enable Cooling |
enable_heating | Switch | no | Enable Heating |
enable_warmwater | Switch | no | Enable Warm Water |
power_compressor | Number:Power | yes | Power Compressor |
power_cooling | Number:Power | yes | Power Cooling |
power_heating | Number:Power | yes | Power Heating |
state_alarm | Switch | yes | State Alarm |
temperature_cooling_return | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Cooling Return |
temperature_cooling_set2 | Number:Temperature | no | Temperature Cooling Setpoint BMS |
temperature_flow | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Flow |
temperature_heating_return | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Heating Return |
temperature_heating_set | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Heating Setpoint |
temperature_outside | Number:Temperature | yes | The current outside temperature |
temperature_outside_24h | Number:Temperature | yes | The outside temperature averaged over one day |
temperature_return | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Return |
temperature_return_set | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Return Setpoint |
temperature_room | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Room |
temperature_room_1h | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Room 1h Average |
temperature_source_in | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Source Input |
temperature_source_out | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Source Output |
temperature_water | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Water |
temperature_water_set2 | Number:Temperature | no | Temperature Water Setpoint BMS |
Advanced channels:
Channel ID | Type | Read-Only | Description |
compressor_power | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Percent Power Compressor |
coolEnableTemp | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Cooling Enable |
date_day | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Day |
date_month | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Month |
date_year | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Year |
enable_pool | Switch | no | Enable Pool |
enable_pv | Switch | no | Enable PV |
hysteresis_heating | Number:Temperature | no | Hysteresis Heating |
interruptions | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Interruptions |
manual_4wayvalve | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode 4Way Valve |
manual_coolvalve | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Cooling Valve |
manual_heatingpump | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Heating Pump |
manual_multiext | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Multi Ouput Ext |
manual_poolvalve | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Pool Valve |
manual_solarpump1 | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Solar Pump |
manual_solarpump2 | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Solar Pump 2 |
manual_sourcepump | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Source Pump |
manual_tankpump | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Tank Pump |
manual_valve | Number:Dimensionless | no | Operating Mode Valve |
maxVLTemp | Number:Temperature | yes | maxVLTemp |
nviHeizkreisNorm | Number:Temperature | no | nviHeizkreisNorm |
nviNormAussen | Number:Temperature | no | nviNormAussen |
nviSollKuehlen | Number:Temperature | yes | nviSollKuehlen |
nviTHeizgrenze | Number:Temperature | no | nviTHeizgrenze |
nviTHeizgrenzeSoll | Number:Temperature | no | nviTHeizgrenze Setpoint |
operating_hours_circulation_pump | Number:Time | yes | Operating Hours Circulation Pump |
operating_hours_compressor1 | Number:Time | yes | Operating Hours Compressor 1 |
operating_hours_compressor2 | Number:Time | yes | Operating Hours Compressor 2 |
operating_hours_solar | Number:Time | yes | Operating Hours Solar |
operating_hours_source_pump | Number:Time | yes | Operating Hours Source Pump |
percent_compressor | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Percent Compressor |
percent_heat_circ_pump | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Percent Heating Circulation Pump |
percent_source_pump | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Percent Source Pump |
position_expansion_valve | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Position Expansion Valve |
pressure_condensation | Number:Pressure | yes | Pressure Condensation |
pressure_evaporation | Number:Pressure | yes | Pressure Evaporation |
state | Number:Dimensionless | yes | A Bitfield which encodes the state of all valves, pumps and compressors |
state_compressor1 | Switch | yes | State Compressor 1 |
state_compressor2 | Switch | yes | State Compressor 2 |
state_cooling | Switch | yes | State Cooling |
state_cooling4way | Switch | yes | State Cooling4Way |
state_evd | Switch | yes | State EVD |
state_extheater | Switch | yes | State External Heater |
state_heatingpump | Switch | yes | State Heating Pump |
state_pool | Switch | yes | State Pool |
state_service | Switch | yes | State Service Mode |
state_solar | Switch | yes | State Solar |
state_sourcepump | Switch | yes | State Source Pump |
state_water | Switch | yes | State Water |
tempSet0Deg | Number:Temperature | yes | Heating Setpoint at 0°C Outside |
tempchange_cooling_pv | Number:Temperature | no | Temperature Change Cooling if PV |
tempchange_heating_pv | Number:Temperature | no | Temperature Change Heating if PV |
tempchange_pool_pv | Number:Temperature | no | Temperature Change Pool if PV |
tempchange_warmwater_pv | Number:Temperature | no | Temperature Change Water if PV |
temperature2_outside_1h | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Outside 1h Average |
temperature_condensation | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Condensation |
temperature_cooling_set | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Cooling Setpoint |
temperature_evaporation | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Evaporation |
temperature_heating_set2 | Number:Temperature | no | Temperature Heating Setpoint BMS |
temperature_outside_1h | Number:Temperature | yes | The outside temperature averaged over one hour |
temperature_pool | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Pool |
temperature_pool_set | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Pool Setpoint |
temperature_pool_set2 | Number:Temperature | no | Temperature Pool Setpoint BMS |
temperature_solar | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Solar |
temperature_solar_flow | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Solar Flow |
temperature_storage | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Storage |
temperature_suction | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Suction |
temperature_water_set | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Water Setpoint |
time_hour | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Hour |
time_minute | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Minute |
version_bios | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Version BIOS |
version_controller | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Version Display Controller |
version_controller_build | Number:Dimensionless | yes | Build Number Display Controller |
If the Ecovent Unit is attached to the heat pump, the following additional channels are available:
Channel ID | Type | Read-Only | Description |
ecovent_CO2_value | Number:Dimensionless | yes | EcoVent CO2 |
ecovent_mode | Number:Dimensionless | no | EcoVent Mode (0..5: Day, Night, Timer, Party, Vacation, Bypass) |
ecovent_moisture_value | Number:Dimensionless | yes | EcoVent Air Moisture |
ecovent_output_y1 | Number:Dimensionless | yes | EcoVent Fan |
ecovent_temp_exhaust_air | Number:Temperature | yes | EcoVent Temperature Exhaust Air |
ecovent_temp_exit_air | Number:Temperature | yes | EcoVent Temperature Exit Air |
ecovent_temp_outdoor_air | Number:Temperature | yes | EcoVent Temperature Outdoor Air |
ecovent_temp_supply_air | Number:Temperature | yes | EcoVent Temperature Supply Air |
The air heatpump has the following additional channels:
Channel ID | Type | Read-Only | Description |
temperature_suction_air | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Suction Air |
temperature_sump | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Sump |
temperature_surrounding | Number:Temperature | yes | Temperature Surrounding |
# Example
# ecotouch.things
Thing ecotouch:geo:heatpump "Waterkotte Heatpump" @ "basement" [ ip="", username="admin", password="wtkadmin", refresh=120 ]
# ecotouch.items
Number:Temperature HeatPump_Temp_Aussen { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:temperature_outside" }
Number:Temperature HeatPump_Temp_Aussen_1d { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:temperature_outside_24h" }
Number:Temperature HeatPump_Temp_Quelle_in { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:temperature_source_in" }
Number:Temperature HeatPump_Temp_Quelle_out { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:temperature_source_out" }
Number:Temperature HeatPump_Temp_Wasser { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:temperature_water" }
Number:Temperature HeatPump_Temp_Heizen { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:temperature_heating_return" }
Number:Power HeatPump_power_el { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:power_compressor" }
Number:Power HeatPump_power_th { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:power_heating" }
Number HeatPump_COP_heating { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:cop_heating" }
Number:Temperature HeatPump_adaptHeating { channel="ecotouch:geo:heatpump:adapt_heating" }
# ecotouch.sitemap
sitemap ecotouch label="Waterkotte EcoTouch"
Text item=HeatPump_Temp_Aussen
Text item=HeatPump_Temp_Aussen_1d
Text item=HeatPump_Temp_Quelle_in
Text item=HeatPump_Temp_Quelle_out
Text item=HeatPump_Temp_Wasser
Text item=HeatPump_Temp_Heizen
Text item=HeatPump_Temp_Heizen
Text item=HeatPump_power_th
Text item=HeatPump_COP_heating
Setpoint item=HeatPump_adaptHeating minValue=-2.0 maxValue=2.0 step=0.5
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